• Story Telling: What is it?

    This may seem a strange question, after all Homo sapiens is the storytelling species. We are the language using ape. It is only humans who…

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  • Google Podcasts Manager

    In the last episode I explained the process for indexing your show with Apple, this episode I’ll deal with Google Podcasts Manager. There are two…

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  • Apple Podcasts Connect

    We begin our journey into listing in the two big directories: Apple and Google. They each have their own systems for accepting podcasts into their…

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  • The Mechanics: Mic to Podcatcher

    Starting with the assumption that you’ve registered your show with Apple Podcasts through Podcasts Connect and with Google through their Google Podcasts Manager. Those will…

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  • Which Host & Why?

    A podcast host can support or destroy a podcast! The best ones just do the job and we rarely have to worry about them. They’re…

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  • Podcast Planning: Pre-Launch

    Remember the six “P”s: Prior Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. Planning can cover a multitude of sins. From the minute by minute to the…

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  • Nothing Happens ‘Til You Start

    The hardest part of being a painter, I’m told, is making the first mark on a blank canvas. Until then the possibilities are endless, infinite…

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  • Copyright Matters

    Ahh music. “I really need to have a great musical intro. It’ll make the show.” Will it though? And where will that music come from?…

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  • The Recording Process ~ Part 3

    Apart from using a smartphone as a mic and using an actual mic, there are other ways to gather audio. We are all, or many…

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  • The Recording Process ~ part 2

     As I explained in the last episode, to podcast we need a good quality raw file, usually in .wav format. This file type is a…

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