• Podcast Essentials ~ The Mechanics.

    We start with the assumption that you’ve registered your show with iTunes or Apple Podcasts through Podcasts Connect. This means your show is visible on…

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  • Why Podcast?

    Why indeed? I’m sure there are as many reasons to podcast as there are podcasters and potential podcasters. Here are some I’ve come across in…

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  • The Medium is the Message!

    What is it about podcasting that is so different from other media? In a word, intimacy. More correctly it should be stated thusly: INTIMACY! To…

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  • Workflow for a Monolog Episode!

    This episode is all about workflow. In particular I’m going to focus on the workflow for a monolog episode. The interview and group chat workflows…

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  • Advertising and why it’s rarely a good idea!

    Advertising, cash, moulla, readies. All these can seem like a wonderful reward for your hard work creating content. But is it? Really? I’ve noticed over…

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  • Telling the Story

    Let’s start with a big one. Mike Duncan. The grandfather of history podcasting. His original show The History of Rome is a 179 episode romp…

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  • Storytelling ~ How to?

    I’m going back to first principles. I find this a useful starting place in many adventures. Once we understand these principles then we can break…

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  • What is storytelling?

    This may seem a strange question, after all Homo sapiens is the storytelling species. We are the language using ape. Other species may communicate our…

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  • Luddites

    The world is full of Luddites. But before we get to podcasting Luddites let’s just define the term. The original Luddites smashed weaving looms and…

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  • Beginner’s Mind

    This post is a reminder post. There is a thing in Zen Buddhism known as beginner’s mind. Beginner’s mind is the ultimate destination after all…

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