Tag: #jmpodcastingservices

  • Email List???

    “But I’m just doing this for fun” You may well be publishing your podcast for fun but things can still go down the toilet when…

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  • Finding Content

    The eternal search for stuff to talk about is not as hard as it would, at first, seem! This was one of the things that…

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  • Mono Vs Stereo (ps Mono is better for podcasting!)

    Want to start a fight between audiophiles? Tell them stereo is a waste of bandwidth, step back and enjoy the show. As I discussed in…

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  • Basic Mic Instructions

    The world of microphones can be as esoteric as Oldsmobile tail light designs from the 1940s. Those that care, really care. Those that don’t, don’t.…

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  • Auphonic: A fan’s rave!

    Auphonic processing is the last thing I do before publishing. Auphonic is a post production tool for polishing your audio. It is a web based…

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  • Changing Style and Re-branding

    There may come a time when a change in style is a thing you wish to accomplish. The question is how? This depends upon a…

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  • External Recording Devices

    Why not just record straight into your audio editor? It saves time, it’s there, right there in front of you on Audacity or Garageband or…

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  • Editing Vs Raw Audio

    Do you think you’re good enough to not edit? This is an area of great concern. Both our own bias confirmation tendencies and the possibility…

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  • What should your show be about?

    This is a big question! I think by now you know I’m all for following passions. Passion though is not often born fully fledged. Passion…

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  • Consistency

    This refers to a whole host of things. Timings, style, voice, niche, purpose and direction to get you started. We humans are creatures of habit.…

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