Giving the Unheard a Voice
The big problem with producing a podcast is its addictiveness. It turns out there are more podcasts ideas than there are people on earth to…
This title is almost an oxymoron! In all the creative fields where I’ve participated, there is a sense of collaboration. Perhaps film making is the…
Scripting is the backbone of the podcast. Do you script fully? Do you use bullet points? Do you script fully and then allow hosts to…
Editing is where the science and the art of podcasting continue their dance. How much is really enough? I bounce from one idea to another…
This is the first of the more ethereal topics I will be covering in this series. Finding your voice is a thing that can just…
Here’s the thing with podcasting that really throws the new entrant. The tighter your defined audience, the more likely your podcast is to be successful.…