Post Production

  • Over editing

    What the hell is over editing??? When we begin, we think and speak more quickly than is “natural” for the audio space. This is generally…

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  • Mono Vs Stereo (ps Mono is better for podcasting!)

    Want to start a fight between audiophiles? Tell them stereo is a waste of bandwidth, step back and enjoy the show. As I discussed in…

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  • Auphonic: A fan’s rave!

    Auphonic processing is the last thing I do before publishing. Auphonic is a post production tool for polishing your audio. It is a web based…

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  • Editing Vs Raw Audio

    Do you think you’re good enough to not edit? This is an area of great concern. Both our own bias confirmation tendencies and the possibility…

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  • Show Notes

    This is an area that confuses many and is done well by few. The show notes you write depends upon what your podcast is for.…

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  • Batch production?

    This comes up from time to time when I’m discussing workflow with my students. The questions to consider are similar to the ones discussed in…

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  • Just Get It Out There!

    I was listening to a wonderful podcast I’ve just discovered out of Iceland! Well Iceland and Switzerland as the host moves between to the two.…

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  • The First Three Hours of Content.

    Beginnings are as important as endings, to quote from Dune by Frank Herbert. If you’re like most of the podcasting world, your first three hours…

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  • Live to Drive?

    This is the process of recording, usually in the field, directly into a storage device and then sending the unedited audio out into the world.…

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  • Re-editing “old” episodes!

    This is a thing I’ve rarely had time to do. There are though good reasons for doing this. Let’s say you’re publishing a human origins…

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