Unpaid Podcasting Promotion on Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for promoting a podcast. With millions of active users on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn, there is a vast audience waiting to be reached. There are, therefore, plenty of ways to promote your podcast on social media without spending a cent. We will explore some unpaid social media promotion strategies that can help increase your podcast’s visibility and listenership.

  • Use Hashtags

Hashtags are a powerful tool on social media that can help increase your podcast’s visibility. By including relevant hashtags in your social media posts, you can make your content more discoverable to people who are interested in your podcast’s topic. You can use tools like Hashtagify, RiteTag, or Sprout Social to research popular hashtags in your industry and incorporate them into your posts.

  • Create Engaging Visuals

Social media is a visual medium and creating eye-catching visuals can help your podcast stand out in a crowded feed. You can use free tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create graphics, images and videos that promote your podcast. Make sure to include your podcast’s name, tagline and other relevant information in your visuals to help people quickly understand what your podcast is about and include a link!

  • Share Teasers

Teasing your podcast on social media is a great way to generate excitement and anticipation for upcoming episodes. You can share snippets of your podcast, quotes from guests, or behind-the-scenes photos and videos to give your followers a taste of what’s to come. Be sure to include a call-to-action at the end of each teaser, encouraging your followers to subscribe or tune in.

  1. Use Social Listening

Social listening is the practice of monitoring social media for mentions of your brand or podcast. You can use free tools like Hootsuite or Mention to track conversations around your podcast and engage with your audience. By responding to comments, questions and feedback, you can build a relationship with your followers and turn them into loyal listeners.

  • Repurpose Your Content

Repurposing your podcast content into different formats and sharing them on social media is an effective way to reach a broader audience. You can create short video clips, audiograms, or quote graphics from your podcast episodes and share them on social media. This not only helps promote your podcast but also creates a new piece of content that can be shared and re-shared on social media.

  • Host Contests and Giveaways

Hosting a contest or giveaway on social media is an excellent way to generate excitement and engage with your audience. You can offer a free subscription to your podcast, branded merchandise, or a shout out to the winner who shares your podcast on social media. Be sure to follow social media platform’s guidelines for contests and giveaways. It’s also important to match the prize to the podcast. There are individuals who spend much of their time just entering contests. So if you’re giving away an iPad, it might attract a wider group than your ideal listeners. A branded mug or something similar would be more appropriate for reaching your tribe.

Social media is a powerful tool that can help you promote your podcast and reach a wider audience. By using hashtags, creating engaging visuals, sharing teasers, collaborating with influencers, using social listening, repurposing content and hosting contests, you can increase your podcast’s visibility and build a loyal following. These unpaid social media promotion strategies require effort, consistency and creativity, but they can yield significant results over time. If you’re interested in exploring paid promotions, check out the post: ​​Paid Social Media Promotion Strategies for Podcasts ( https://mrjonmoore.com/paid/)