Podcast & blog!

In the last post, Podcast Vs Blog, I set up a false dichotomy. In the wonderful world of the interwebs it’s all about “and” rather than “or”.

There are, to be fair, way too many blogs in the blogosphere but I would argue the same is true for podcasts. But that’s just a matter of taste. I certainly have no desire to spend my time listening to drunk or bent co-hosts rambling on about popular culture. But that’s me. Others find these shows of value but to me they are waste of bandwidth.

What we have with a podcast is a platform, for good or ill. The choice is ours. By combining the audio with the written we add other ways for people to hear, or at least find, our messages, our stories.

By having well crafted words in a blog we can find the people looking for help in areas we are more expert in than they. For those further along than us, they won’t stay to hear our voices and that’s ok.

A blog to support your podcast ensures your listeners have place to go. To find out about you, to see more of your work, to find more episodes and to get to know, like and trust you.

With trust comes power and  responsibility. If you’re only in this for the money, well good luck to you. If you’re podcasting and blogging to change the world, the combination of the two media gives you ways of doing so only dreamt of by prior generations.

An added  benefit of the blog space is your ability to build an email list of your people. You can either use this as a marketing tool or to just keep people informed of what’s coming next with your podcast. An email list is a thing of trust with your subscribers. Do not be tempted to spam it or sell it.


  • Always have a blog to support your podcast.
  • The written word will allow people to find your audio through Google.
  • Build an ecosystem where your tribe will come to know, like and trust you.